Websites to Apply for Ausbildung in Germany

08 Nov 2024 9099 views
Websites to Apply for Ausbildung in Germany

Ausbildung in Germany

Embarking on an Ausbildung (vocational training) in Germany is a fantastic opportunity for international students to gain practical experience and develop essential skills in their chosen field. However, navigating the application process can be daunting, especially for students coming from abroad. Fortunately, there are several websites and platforms designed to help you find and apply for Ausbildung programs in Germany.

Continue reading the blog to know which are the best websites to apply for Ausbildung in Germany.

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Best Websites to Apply for Ausbildung in Germany

  • Make it in Germany (
    Make it in Germany is the official government portal for skilled workers looking to relocate to Germany. It provides valuable information about job opportunities, living in Germany, and the application process for visas and permits. The site features a dedicated section for Ausbildung programs, where you can search for available positions and learn more about the requirements.
  • Jobbörse Federal Employment Agency (
    The Jobbörse der Bundesagentur für Arbeit (Job Board of the Federal Employment Agency) is one of the largest job search platforms in Germany. It provides a wide range of listings, including Ausbildung positions in various sectors.
  • Azubiyo (
    Azubiyo is specifically designed for students seeking Ausbildung programs. The website provides a user-friendly interface that allows you to search for training positions based on your interests and qualifications. Azubiyo also offers helpful tips for applications and insights into various professions.
  • AUBI-plus (
    AUBI-plus is a platform dedicated to connecting students with apprenticeship opportunities in Germany. The site features a wide range of listings, along with resources such as application tips and a directory of training companies. AUBI-plus helps students find the right fit for their vocational training.
  • ( focuses primarily on internships and practical training positions, which are often part of an Ausbildung. The platform allows users to search for relevant training opportunities and read reviews from former interns, giving insights into the working environment and the learning experience.
  • StepStone (
    StepStone is one of the leading job portals in Germany, listing a variety of job and Ausbildung opportunities. You can filter your search by job type, location, and industry. StepStone also provides career advice and tips for crafting effective applications.
  • Indeed Germany (
    Indeed Germany is a popular job search engine that aggregates job listings from various sources, including Ausbildung positions. With user-friendly search functionality and the ability to upload your CV, Indeed makes it easy to explore a wide range of opportunities.
  • ( is a dedicated website for Ausbildung seekers. It features an extensive database of training offers across different sectors and regions. The platform also includes helpful articles and tips for applicants to prepare for the application process.
  • Berufenet Federal Employment Agency's Career Portal (
    Berufenet is the Federal Employment Agency's career portal that provides detailed information about various occupations, including Ausbildung programs. You can explore different career paths, get insights into job prospects, and find training offers relevant to your interests.
    KURSNET is a platform that provides information about vocational training courses, including Ausbildung opportunities. It offers a search function for various educational programs, making it easier to find suitable training options in your desired field.

Tips for Indian Students Planning for Ausbildung in Germany

  • Language Requirement – Most of the Ausbildung Programs require a student to have a good proficiency in German (typically B1/B2 level). So, it is highly recommended for every student planning for Ausbildung in Germany to enroll in German Language classes beforehand and have to obtain a recognized language certificate from an accredited institution like Goethe Institut. Learning language not only enhances language skills but also boost confidence. 
  • Visa Information - For specific visa requirements related to Ausbildung programs, students should consult the German embassy or consulate in India. Generally, applicants will need to apply for a training visa or an apprenticeship visa, which is specifically designed for vocational training. It’s crucial to gather all necessary documentation well in advance to facilitate a smooth visa application process.
  • Application Process - The application process for an Ausbildung is akin to applying for a job. Applicants must prepare a compelling CV, a well-crafted cover letter, and, in some cases, participate in an interview. Various online platforms provide templates, guidelines, and tips to help students effectively prepare their application materials, ensuring they present themselves professionally to potential employers.


With a variety of Top websites available for applying to Ausbildung programs in Germany, students can efficiently explore their options and determine which platform best suits their needs. Each of these websites offers essential information and resources that aspiring trainees will require for pursuing Ausbildung in Germany.

As you navigate these resources, take the time to research each website’s offerings, compare the available opportunities, and consider factors such as location, industry, and program specifics. By making an informed decision, you can kickstart your journey toward a rewarding career that not only aligns with your interests but also opens doors to future professional growth.


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