NEET UG Counselling 2023 Portal Open for PwD Candidates at

10 Jul 2023 4227 views

On 5th July 2023, the Medical Counselling Committee released an official notice that was specifically for PwD candidates. The notice was published to inform all the candidates who have registered themselves under PwD quota in NEET UG (2023) that the PwD portal for generation of PwD certificates by the Designated Disability NEET screening Centre is now opened.

So, all the candidates who wish to get a PWD seat through MCC counselling process may get the disability certificate issued from any one of the designated NEET Disability screening Centre through online mode.

To obtain the disability certificate, the candidate is required to do so through online mode. However, for physical examination and quantification of the disability, the candidate is required to visit the designated NEET Disability Screening Centres. 

Note:- No other certificate except the one generated through MCC portal in online shall be accepted at the time of admission.

Irrespective of the fact whether a medical aspirant has qualified NEET UG exam in terms of cut off percentile, every candidate is eligible to get online certificate issued from the designated centres.

Here is the list of NEET Disability Centres that are responsible for issuing Disability Certificate as per NMC norms to PwD candidates.

List of Disability Certification Centres which will issue Disability Certificates as per NMC norms to PwD candidates in support of their claim to avail 5% PwD reservation in UG/ Broad Specialty PG Courses

Name of Disability Certification Centre City/State  Specialties Available for which Disability Certificate can be issued as per category of Disabilities mentioned in Disability Certificate
Vardhman Mahavir Medical College & Safdarjang Hospital (VMMC & SJH) New Delhi  All Disablities as mentioned in Disability Certificate except Visual disabilities category and Intellectual Disabilities & Behavioural disabilities.
All India Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (AIIPMR) Mumbai   For Locomotor Disability only
Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education & Research (IPGMER)  Kolkata  All Disabilities as mentioned in Disability Certificate
Madras Medical College (MMC) Chennai  All Disabilities as mentioned in Disability Certificate
Grant Government Medical College, J.J. Hospital Compound Mumbai, Maharashtra  All Disabilities as mentioned in Disability Certificate
Goa Medical College Goa   All Disabilities as mentioned in Disability Certificate except Speech Disability.
Government Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala All Disabilities as mentioned in Disability Certificate. Ophthalmology Tests to be conducted at Regional Institute of Ophtalmology, Thiruvananthapuram under GMC Thiruvananthapuram
SMS Medical College Jaipur, Rajasthan All Disabilities as mentioned in Disability Certificate except: 1. Neurology- Genetic Testing 2. ENT- Speech & Language Disability Testing Orthopaedics/ PMR- Gonitometer Adult. Plumb Line, Hand Dynomometer, Laser
Govt. Medical College and Hospital, Sector32 Chandigarh All Disabilities as mentioned in Disability Certificate
Govt. Medical College, Agartala, State Disability Board   Agartala/Tripura  All Disabilities as mentioned in Disability Certificate
Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University Varanasi/ Uttar Pradesh  All Disabilities as mentioned in Disability Certificate except Intellectual Disability
Ali Yavar Jung National Institute of Speech and Hearing Disabilities, Bandra, Mumbai  Mumbai, Maharashtra  For Hearing Disabilities only
AIIMS, Nagpur  Nagpur, Maharashtra  All Disabilities as mentioned in Disability Certificate
Atal Bihari Vajpayee Institute of Medical Sciences & RML Hospital, New Delhi. (ABVIMS & RMLH) New Delhi All Disabilities as mentioned in Disability Certificate except ENT For Visual Disability: Candidates who use LVAs may bring their own LVAs which can be checked
Lady Hardinge Medical College & Associated Hospitals (LHMC) New Delhi  All Disabilities as mentioned in Disability Certificate
All India Institute of Speech and Hearing (AIISH), Mysuru Mysuru, Karnataka For Speech & Hearing Disabilities only

NEET UG Counselling Useful Resources

Tentative NEET UG Schedule 2023 Click Here
NEET Cut Off 2023  Click Here
NEET UG 2023 Final Answer Key Click Here
NEET UG 2023 Result  Click Here
Top 10 Deemed Medical Colleges in India Click Here


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