Karnataka NEET UG Counselling 2023 Reopens Form Till 2nd August

01 Aug 2023 2729 views
karanataka Counselling Reopen

Last Chance to Apply for UGNEET 2023
~From 5 PM on 1st August to 2nd August 2023 up to 8 PM

In a formal announcement published on August 1st 2023, the Karnataka Examination Authority announced that the Karnataka NEET UG Counselling 2023 has been extended for two more days. The form can now be filled out by interested students starting at 5:00 PM on 1st August and ending at 8:00 PM on 2nd August 2023.

This decision has been taken to protect the merit and interests of applicants when it was discovered that numerous students were approaching to KEA for the UGNEET 2023 exam. In order to apply online for UGNEET 2023 and to register for Karnataka NEET UG Counselling, candidates are offered one last chance. Students can also participate and fill it out as soon as possible if they were for whatever reason unable to complete the Karnataka NEET Counselling Application.

However, students will not be eligible to claim “c” or “d” eligibility clause in this final extended period as KEA     has conducted Kannada Language twice, once on 25th July 2023 and next was on 1st August 2023 to “c” and “d” UGNEET Candidates.

For students registering on 1st and 2nd August are required to appear for document verification at KEA, Bangalore on 3rd August 2023. You may refer to KEA Website to know the eligibility criteria for participating for document verification process.

For more information, stay updated and check the KEA website for regular update relating to counselling process.

Check KEA Official Circular – Click Here


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