Karnataka 1st Round Seat Allotment UGCET/UGNEET 2023 - Check Now

23 Aug 2023 2813 views
Karnataka Round 1 seat allotment

Check out the extended date for Karnataka NEET Choice Filling after seat allotment.

Karnataka MBBS NEET UG Counselling 2023: At cetonline.karnataka.gov.in, the Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA), Bangalore, conducts the Karnataka NEET counseling 2023. The timetable for Karnataka NEET counseling 2023 after seat allocation has been issued, according to the most recent version. 

On 23rd August 2023, Karnataka Examination Authority released a new notification wherein the date has been extended. So, as per the official notification, it is said -

  1. Students who have been allotted seats in the first round can exercise choice filing up to 24th August 2023 till 12:00 noon.
  2. Students who somehow failed to make the payment can do so till 24th August 2023 at 2:00 PM.
  3. Date for Downloading of admission orders has also been extended up to 24th August till 11:59 PM.
  4. Additionally, the date for reporting to the college is also up to 25th August 2023 till 05:30 PM.
Note: The dates for the Karnataka NEET UG Counselling in 2023 have already been extended once, and won't be extended so again.

For more information relating to Karnataka Choice Filling or payment of fees, you can visit the Karnataka official website. If you have any queries, feel free to get in touch with Team Get My University


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