Bihar NEET UG Counselling 2023 : Round 3 Merit List Out  - Check Now

29 Sep 2023 4285 views
Bihar UG NEET Counselling 2023- Round 3 Counselling Dates

UGMAC 2023 : Choice filling for Round 3 of Bihar NEET UG Counselling 2023 for admission in MBBS, BDS, BVSc and AH courses starts from today.

On 24th September 2023, the Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board (BCECEB) published the Round 3 Merit List for Bihar NEET UG Counselling 2023.

Direct Link to Bihar NEET Official

On the official website, candidates who enrolled for the third round of the Bihar NEET UG counseling 2023 can view the merit list and the schedule for round 3.

The board has also released a seat matrix list for the Bihar MBBS, BDS, BVSc, and AH programs in addition to the Bihar NEET UG counseling round 3 schedule. Starting today, those who want to enroll in the medical, dental, and veterinary programs in the state of Bihar must make their selections depending on the seats available. As per the recent notice, the last date for online registration cum choice filling for seat allotment and locking for third round is 27th September 2023.

Bihar NEET UG Counselling 2023 Important Dates

Particulars     Important Dates
Publication of Bihar NEET UG 2023 Merit List 24.09.2023
Release of Bihar NEET UG 2023 Seat Matrix 24.09.2023
Starting date of Online Registration cum Choice filling for seat allotment (Round 3) 25.09.2023
Last date of online registration cum choice filling for seat allotment and locking (Round 3) 27.09.2023
Round 3 provisional seat allotment order publication  29.09.2023
Downloading of allotment order (Round 3) 29.09.2023 to 30.09.2023
Document verification/ Admission (Round 3) 30.09.2023


Documents Required for Bihar NEET UG Counselling 2023

The list of original documents to be produced during documents verification are as follows:-

•    Original Admit Card of NEET(UG)-2023
•    Rank Card of UGMAC-2023
•    Print out of Choice Slip
•    Downloaded print of Provisional Allotment Order in 3 copies
•    Passing Certificate / Marks Sheet / Admit Card of Matric / equivalent Examination
•    Passing Certificate / Marks Sheet / Admit Card of Intermediate Sc / equivalent Examination
•    Certificate for Residence of Bihar duly issued by Concerned C.O. / Revenue Officer of permanent residence
•    Caste Certificate duly issued by Concerned C.O. / Revenue Officer
•    Six copies of the passport size Photograph which was pasted on the Admit Card NEET(UG)-2023.
•    Copy of Aadhar Card
•    Downloaded print of Online filled Application Form (Part-A & Part-B) UGMAC-2023
•    The Check Slip 2 (two) copy as downloaded along with Biometric Identification Report Form 1 (one) copy
•    Any other documents required (if any) such as DQ (PH) / EWS Certificate etc.
•    Any other required certificates in original as per the requirements of the Prospectus of UGMAC-2023

To check the official notice released by the Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board, click here.

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