Karnataka NEET Counselling

Karnataka NEET M.B.B.S Counseling

Karnataka is the most preferred destination for the MBBS program among Medical Aspirants. The counseling for Medical & Dental program is being conducted by The Karnataka Examination Authority commonly known as “KEA”. Counseling will be conducted for the 85% Government & 100% Private Medical & Dental seats. 

There are 19 Government, 28 Private and 12 Deemed Medical College in Karnataka. Which offers 9345 MBBS seats, out of which 2900 seats are there in Government, 4395 seats in Private and 2050 seats are there in Deemed.

There are 3 rounds of counseling process which includes “Round 1”, “Round 2” both getting conducted online and the third round is “Mop up” round  also called as spot round or physical round, which is conducted offline. 


To participate in the Karnataka NEET counseling process, students have to qualify NEET exam and then register themselves by login to its official website www.kea.kar.nic.in by paying Rs 1000 or as declared by the authority as and when counseling is about to commence.

Highlights of Karnataka






Counseling Body

Karnataka Examination Authority

Coursed offered

M.B.B.S & B.D.S

Result Accepted



NEET Qualified

College Participation

Government & Private

Seat Participation

85% Government & 100% Private

Rounds of Counseling

Round 1, Round 2 & Mop UP

Type of Seat

Government, Govt. Aided, GMP, OPN, NRI & Others


Government – 2900

Private – 4245


GM, OPN, GMP, NRI, Others & all the regional categories

No. of Colleges

Government – 19

Private – 28

Deemed – 12 (To be filled through MCC)

Recognized College

Government – 15

Private – 24

Permitted College

Government – 4

Private – 4

Cut off – Government


Cut off – Government Aided


Cut off – GMP


Cut off – OPN


Cut off – NRI


Cut off – Other


Eligibility Criteria

  1. Students must qualify NEET with following percentile:



Cut off Percentile


50 Percentile


40 Percentile


  1. Must be Indian Citizen to claim seat under Govt./Private/Management.
  2. Foreign National can also apply for seats under NRI/Other Quota.
  3. Non-Domicile can apply for OPN/Other quota seat
  4. Domicile can apply for Govt./Govt. Aided Private/GMP/Other quota seat
  5. Students must have passed 12th or equivalent

Type of Seat

Government seat – Seat offered in the Government Medical/Dental colleges in Karnataka. (Only Karnataka Domicile can apply)

Govt. aided seat – Government shared seat offered at a reduced fee structure in the Private Medical/Dental colleges in Karnataka (Only State domicile can apply)

GMP seat – It is also known as General Merit Private, these seats are offered under management quota in the Private Medical/Dental colleges to the domicile students of Karnataka

OPN seat – These are open seats offered to students from other state other than Karnataka. Here all other state students can apply. Such seats are only available in the private Medical/Dental colleges of Karnataka.

Others seat – These are those seats which are offered at a very high fee structure, we can say it is as equal to NRI seat, only the difference is it doesn’t ask NRI certificate. Such seats are only available in the Private Medical/Dental colleges. It is open for all.

NRI seat – Seats offered in Private Medical/Dental colleges of Karnataka to NRI students.

*There are no NRI seats available in the Government Medical/Dental colleges in Karnataka.

Seat Matrix

Steps Involved in the Counseling Process

  1. Register online on kea.kar.nic.in your login id and password will be created
  2. Login using your ID and password, take print out of your online application by paying requisite application fee online.
  3. Upload your documents – NEET Admit card, Rank card, 12th Marks card, Signature of parent and student, Thumb impression of student, photo graph, keep these handy
  4. Details of schooling starting from class 1 to 12th need to be filled
  5. After uploading of documents you will get secret key to download document verification slip
  6. Download Document verification slip
  7. Fill your choices online
  8. Mock result will be declared, you can change your choices accordingly.
  9. Final result will be declared
  10. You can proceed with paying fee and reporting to allotted college.

Choice after Allotment of Seat

  • Choice 1 – If you are satisfied with your allotment, you can opt for choice 1 and pay prescribed fee, submit your document at KEA, download admission order and report to your college, you won’t be considered for further round of counseling.
  • Choice 2 – You are satisfied but willing to go for upgradation in next round then opt this choice, here you can retain your seat allotted in round 1 and go for a better one in round 2, remember if you didn’t get any upgradation your previously allotted seat will get retained and you won’t be able to exit.
  • Choice 3 – If you are not satisfied but willing to participate in next round, then you will have to surrender your seat and participate in Round 2. You cannot change your previously filled choices.
  • Choice 4 – You can opt for this choice, if you have been allotted seat somewhere else and do not wants to participate in further round of counseling.

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Fee Structure

Karnataka offers differential fee structure, always cross check your fees for the type of colleges and type of seat you are going to opt. let us give you an illustration on fees:
Type of Seat Type of College Category Eligibility Fee
G – Government Government Same for All Karnataka Domicile 50,000  (100000 for ESIC)
Govt. Aided Private Same for All Karnataka Domicile 1,28,746
GMP Private Same for All Karnataka Domicile 9,81,956
OPN Private Same for All Non-Domicile 9,81,956
Others Private Same for All Open for All 30,00,000 – 60,00,000
NRI Private Same for All Open For NRI 30,00,000 – 60,00,000
**Fee is different for following Private Medical colleges:
Name of College Fee
Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences, Mandya 18,00,000
Dr. Chandramma Dayananda Sagar Institute of Medical Education & Research, Bangalore 20,00,000
Khaja Bande Navaz Institute Of Medical Sciences, Gulbarga 16,14,965
SDM College of Medical Sciences and Hospital, Dharwad 17,29,700
St John’s Medical College, Bangalore 6,16,220

Get My University Analysis

We have observed a unique trend in the cut off variations in the counseling process of Karnataka. It always remains on the higher side in round 1 and keep coming down as the rounds progress. Students must be very careful while doing choice filling. 

We witness steep decline in the cut off for the medical seats in the 2020 counseling process compared to 2019. Till 2019 cost wise Karnataka was cheaper than many other states, but due to steep hike in the fees in 2020 and fee regulation in the state like UP opened alternative options for the students to consider. Cost wise similar options became available in the state like Haryana, Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana & Bihar.

Get My University likes to suggest medical aspirants to consider all the aspects like Fee, living conditions, educational standard, patient footfall, etc while choosing any state or college. Although fee has been hiked in Karnataka, still it has various colleges which stand tall when we compare all the parameters with other state colleges.

Top 10 Private Medical Colleges in Karnataka




St. Johns Medical College


MS. Ramaiah Medical College


JJM Medical College


Father Muller Medical College


Kempegowda Institute of Medical Science


Vydehi Institute of Medical Science


Dr. BR Ambedkar Medical College


MRMC Medical College


AJ Institute of Medical Science


MVJ Medical College



Important Dates of 2021





To be announced

Document Verification

To be announced

Seat Matrix

To be announced

Choice filling

To be announced

Choice filling Editing

To be announced

Publication of Mock Result

To be announced


To be announced


To be announced

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Ans – It depends upon KEA, till 2019 they have conducted it offline, but in 2020 it was online.

Ans – No once you get allotted in round 1 or round 2, you are not eligible to participate in mop up.

Ans – No you can’t rearrange choices filled in round 1.

Ans – It is issued by Rajeev Gandhi University of Health Science, Bangalore, to verify they will ask you to submit your TC ,12th Marks card and a photo.

Ans – Yes you can participate as fresh application will open before every round.

Ans – No you can’t skip, you will have to do choice filling, without which you are not eligible to participate in further rounds of counseling/

Ans – This is the key generated once you will verify your document. This will be needed to login while doing choice filling.

Ans – There are three rounds of counseling, round 1 & round 2 will be conducted online, where as third round, Mop up round will be conducted offline.

Ans. – Refund is not permitted after mop up round.

Ans – No you can enter as many you want, be careful while to verify fee while entering college, as every college has different fee for type of seats.

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